Enrollment Services

Preliminary Planning

Our experienced Account Directors are assigned to each of our Clients, providing all aspects of implementation and enrollment support to include both management and employee information meetings.

Management Meetings

  • Program Overview:  The Account Directors explain the available enrollment services and discuss the positive effects that they can have upon the organization.
  • Procedures:  Account Directors thoroughly explain the enrollment procedures, particularly the scheduling requirements, for employees.
  • Questions & Answers Session:  Directors are given the opportunity to ask questions and receive information on all aspects of a flexible benefits plan.

Group Meetings

  • Program Overview: The Account Directors give a brief presentation of each benefit plan to the employees. This overview will highlight the enrollment process and insurance benefit options.
  • Audio-Visual Program:  The presentation can feature a flexible benefits audio-visual program to reinforce the educational process.
  • Question & Answer Session:  At the end of “the group meeting”, employees are given the opportunity to ask questions.
  • Newsletters & Worksheets:  Account Directors can also distribute these materials and employees may complete the worksheet before returning for their individual enrollment session.

Call Center

Chimienti & Associates provides a full-service Enrollment Call Center for Voluntary Benefit Enrollments, as well as Core Health Benefits, and Flexible Benefit Plans. Call Center Support is designed to assist employees with the educational, strategic, and support tools necessary to navigate today’s complex health care choices.

Our Call Center was created to support the complexities of Employee Benefits Communication for large companies that may have multiple locations in various states.

We have worked diligently with our Voluntary Insurance Carriers and System Administrators to design a platform to enroll and deliver benefit plan data electronically, with the following features:

  • Internet browser-based system.
  • Secure Internet connections via SSL encryption technology.
  • Customize Enrollment Website with client logo/graphics.
  • Audio/Visual Presentation Technology.
  • Online Chat Help with trained Benefit Counselors.
  • Shadow Session with trained Benefit Counselors.
  • Electronic Signature for Voluntary Benefits with either PIN (Personal Identification Number) or VRA (Voice Recording Authorization).
  • Option of Year-Round Administration is available.

Enrollment Support Materials

Your assigned Account Director will work closely with you to provide all of the following options.

Employer Announcement Memo
We can provide you with a standardized memo to introduce the plan to your employees. This memo presents the advantages of the plan, and may also include the premium conversion program and/or flexible spending accounts. This memo serves as the employer’s endorsement of the plan, as well as an announcement of Chimienti & Associates as the implementers. The employer may tailor this memo as needed.

Payroll Insert
Promotes the upcoming enrollment.

Announcement Posters
Specifies the time and place of the group meetings.

Explains the flexible benefits plan in an easy-to-understand question and answer format.

Audio-Visual Presentation
Reinforces the educational process during the group meetings.

Three newsletters we provide are: premium conversion, medical reimbursement, and dependent care assistance. Benefits counselors may distribute these materials prior to the individual counseling sessions and provide detailed information on how the flexible benefit plans may impact employees. The newsletters on medical reimbursement and dependent care assistance contain a worksheet that employees may use to estimate expenses. The dependent care newsletter also discusses the advantage of pre-taxing versus taking the child tax credit. Finally, they stress the importance of selecting the proper amount for pre-taxing in order to avoid forfeiting funds through the “use it or lose it” rule.

Internet Enrollment

Our Agency has worked diligently to stay on the cutting edge of technology, providing our Clients with advanced Enrollment System features.

Benefits Management Module

  • Internet/Web-based enrollment and eligibility management.

Laptop Module

  • Agent Assist Enrollment allows your employees to meet one on one with our Benefit Counselors and get personal instruction on your benefits package, while training and assisting them with their online benefit enrollment process.

Internet Browser Module

  • Employee Self Service Enrollment: This is an Internet browser-based system, using Secure Internet connections via SSL encryption technology, and allows for Electronic Signature Capture for Benefit Enrollment with either PIN (Personal Identification Number) or VRA (Voice Recording Authorization).
  • Organizations may customize the Enrollment Website with their logos and/or graphics.
  • Call Center Support Enrollment: Including online Chat Help and Shadow Session options.

Face to Face

With over 30 years of experience in Benefits Communication, we have found that many employees today still prefer the more personalized enrollment experience of meeting Face to Face with a Benefits Counselor. Learn more about this service.

Review Current Benefits Package
Our benefits counselors review with employees their existing benefits package. We feel it is important for employees to be aware of the benefits that are available, including all their current elections.

Review Worksheet
If we are assisting in the implementation or open enrollment of a section 125 plan, our counselors will review each employee’s dependent care and medical reimbursement account worksheets to help the employees determine which plans will be most beneficial to them.

Voluntary Coverages
Counselors will also give the employees the option to purchase additional coverage. These voluntary products are designed to enhance, not replace, existing group benefits. Most of our products are eligible for pre-taxing under a flexible benefits plan based on Section 106 of the IRS Code, so employees can purchase these benefits with pretax dollars. All benefit selections are completely voluntary, with no minimum participation requirements.

Discuss Flexible Benefits Plan
Our well trained and experienced counselors advise employees on all aspects of the flexible benefits plan, and answer any questions they may have.

Provide Claims Procedures Packet
For each employee who chooses to participate in the flexible spending accounts program, our counselors provide the employees with an employee claims procedures packet. This information outlines the steps employees must take to file a reimbursement claim.

Complete Election Form
At the end of the enrollment, counselors will ask each employee to sign an election form indicating their choice of whether or not to participate in the plan. This form documents the employee’s choice of benefits, along with the salary reduction agreement. Election forms can also serve as payroll entry documents for your payroll department. These forms may be provided to our clients electronically.